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Our industry jargon for these installations is HARDSCAPES. So, what Is A Hardscape? Well, concrete walks, stone pathways, retaining walls, and driveways all fit the bill - basically it's landscaping that uses hard materials such as pavers and stone. There's no limit to hardscape ideas, basically anything not living or somewhat of a strong material could be considered a hardscape. But enough of the boring landscape nerd speak. Take a gander at our portfolio and hit us up for a mind meld over your wildest landscape dreams! 


Oh, did we mention patios, paths, porches and   stone benches could even be lumped into the category.  One thing is for certain -  Hardscapes add appeal and value to your outdoor living space. Our staff consists of experienced masons and most of the time we end up doing some of our own concrete for smaller projects. We find the hardscaping element to our projects very rewarding. Most likely because not much about stone and block and paver work is considered easy! But it is definitely rewarding seeing our clients appreciate the hard work! 


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